The restaurant in the transparent intermediary zone can be seen from a great distance and itself offers a spectacular view across Amsterdam. 透明中间区域内的餐厅从很远的地方就能看到,而在餐厅内则能看到阿姆斯特丹的壮观景色。
The res ults indicated that the influence mainly occurred in transparent zone and weak-absorption zone, which showed the peak-peak values were reduced and vibration period was distorted. 结果表明这种影响主要发生在薄膜的无吸收区和弱吸收区,表现为峰&峰值变小和振荡周期畸变。
An alkalophilic bacillus NT-16 was screened by assaying transparent zone on the selective medium. 采用水解圈法筛选到一株产碱性木聚糖酶的嗜碱芽孢杆菌NT-16。
X-ray examination: The roentgenography showed a "thread-like" transparent zone in the sagittal suture area of the rats in the normal control group; 矢状缝X线片观察正常对照组表现为线形透射影像;
Tin oxide is a wide optical band gap semi-conductive material. It is a good transparent material in visible and near infrared zone. 氧化锡是一种宽禁带半导体材料,在可见光和近红外光区域有良好的透光性。